Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Bank Statements are baaack... random thoughts encore

Aiight blogworld... it's been almost a month (Yikes!!) since my last mind-venting session, so I figure we are long overdue for more random thoughts. Here goes:

* I've been eating too much Gala/Meaty lately. It's a good roadside snack joh! And the traffic doesn't help. Yesterday, a 20 min drive to the island took me 3 hours!!! Mostly because of the rain. Lagos traffic is INSANE.

* I eat wayyyy too much red meat. Dear God, please help me like fish and seafood, it's for my own good.

* June 12th is a sad but important day in Nigeria's history. Moment of silence for Chief MKO Abiola. I'd like to think Nigeria is a better place now, and that things will continue to improve, by God's grace.

* This has been a horrible year sports-wise for me. Just. Absolutely. Brutal. Arsenal didn't make it, again. My Beloved Yankees are being assaulted, molested, and insert-any-other-torture-relate-ed-word-here by the Red Sox. We haven't won ONE game against Boston all SEASON. God please, if there's any justice in the world, please make it stop! Stop the bleeding. What else... the Giants didn't repeat as Superbowl Champs. The only silver lining right now is the recent play of the Super Eagles of Nigeria (yay! whose going to the world cup with me next year?) annnnd Kobe Bryant & the Lakers being one win away from the championship rings. I'm sorry Kobe-haters, I'm a fan, and I know what it's like to fight to try and succeed inspite of hate and turmoil... so I wanna see him win this one. I actually wanted a Lebron vs Kobe final, but I'll still be happy if/when the Lakers win. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it.

* I change my nickname on my Blackberry at least once a week. I dunno why, it's just fun. And most people on my contact list find it entertaining... So far some of my nicknames have been Banky W, Barack O'Banky, Central "Banks" of Nigeria, The Duke of Wellington, Banktastic W, and as of this morning... Ban Ky-Moon W. This last nickname has a lot of people confused... and that just goes to show how much attention you people are paying to the world!! The frikkin Secretary General of the United Nations is Ban Ki-Moon. Google it. :o)
Anyway, I'm hereby soliciting more suggestions for nicknames so that I can keep this trend going. Thanx to everyone that has contributed so far.

* Thanx to everyone that came out last weekend to rock with us at Caliente. It was NUTS!! As in, absolutely BANANAS!! And any other food-word I can think of to show how crazy it was. Shout outs to Kel, Lami, Jesse Jagz, Sauce KiD, eLDee, Oladele, MI and everyone else that came thru and repped. Ain't no party like an EME party abi no be so? Anyway this week the promo parties continue @ Bacchus, Saturday the 13th. We gonn do them Strong Ting and have another crazy Lagos Party. Come through!!! 10pm. I think.

* Music I like and think u should look up right now: Femi Jacobs "Free to Fly", almost every song on the Wande Coal CD, Lamii feat MI - Know. And i'm still bumping MI's "Illegal Music" hard. And of course, Strong Ting & Lagos Party. Word on the streets is there's a Lagos Party Remix in the works with a couple of heavy artistes... I'll give you a clue, one of them is a rapper who's "P" u know very well :o)

* The recent X-men/wolverine movie was probably my favorite movie thus far, this year. Go see it if you haven't. It's goooooood.

* The gym chronicles continue. Eldee, MI, Lami and myself have been working hard @ Eko Gym in VI. The goal is the ultimate "singlet" show before the end of this year. Wish us luck. Although I can categorically say I'm the most hard working of the bunch, no matter what they might tell u.

* I'm looking forward to the new Jay Z album. I've bought every album he has ever put out.
- Sidebar: there are a handful of people that can almost never do any wrong in my eyes. Jay is one of 'em. Lauryn Hill is too. Like if they cough on a beat for four mins, I will probably turn around, look you straight in the eyes and say it was genius.

* A dear friend of mine recently gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. And a shockingly high number of my close buddies have all recently gotten engaged or married. All of a sudden everyone around me's getting hitched and popping kids. It's a beautiful thing. Must be sumthin in the air/water. Na turn by turn I'll get there someday. In the meantime congratulations guys I love you! :o)

* There are plans to shoot a MAJOR video-of-the-year-type of video for Strong Ting in South Africa. After which we will follow up with another MAJOOOOR video for Lagos Party. And then comes ur soon-to-be favorite album "The W experience", hopefully. And after the W experience, I might just retire, who knows. Wish me luck, pray for us, and pls continue to support. We appreciate y'all.

Don't forget tomm night @ Bacchus the Lagos Party continues... throw our hands up, drinks in our cups, Lagos stand up.. u know the rest...

~ B.W.


Dante said...

1st.. lemee go and read!!

bumight said...

u wanted giants to win? *faints* as for the NBA finals, u didnt jinx it...then again, i think u already know.

Will look up Femi Jacobs. think my neighbors are getting used to be blasting the Wande Coal album at random times during the day. Im sure they already know the Illegal music mixtape word for word.

Lol @ " Like if they cough on a beat for four mins, I will probably turn around, look you straight in the eyes and say it was genius.

ok, this is getting waaaay too long!

Dame Halos said...

i love barack o' banky....and I am Lakers No. 2 biggest fan..considering lil wayne's new song i am guessing he is easily their no 1 fan...ooh and arsenal..i know...but i have faith in my young boys...i have invested to much in them to want to switch now...
ur friends r all getting married eh...can i play cupid...i have someone for its not me i promise :-)


Sisem E. Naidem said...

Hmm... Been quite a while. Wondered if the statements were "in the red"...LOL
Agree with you on Jay-Z but I felt L-Boogie let us down somewhat. Heard she's on the rebound. WC's album is off da hook!
Looking forward to "The W Experience"...
Saw the gym gist on Hip On TV. MI & El-dee versus you? Noooo way!!!
Been wondering about the marriage thing too. I think the Federal Gobt's paying people to get married. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

ibiluv said...

lol@meaty..i concur that traffic makes a body hungry-u cant help it dearie-keep chewing.........

red meat-dont sweat all dem calories..........yet-you do work it all off....the shows,the gym and the nights.....*wink* should however cut down on red meat soon as you hit your 50's...cos ur metabolism slows down..........

Our boys will make it....they will...*fingers crossed*....we will *gun* dem out......

its hard not to love the movie wolverine.......Hugh & Ryan?????......*swoon*

lol@naugthy eyes-fed govt paying pple to get married.......but then as u aptly put turn by turn....

i'm sooooooooo looking forward to the album and videos....

mizchif said...

I was starting to wonder when u would blog again.

I soooo wish i cld attend one of those Lagos parries, but..... God dey sha.

I really hope all the hard work at the gym pays off, me too i want to watch "singlet" show oh!

SMSL said...

I'm only commenting on d part where every1 arnd u is either getting married or popping babies. I'm here whenever your ready for either!!! Love you to bits!!! lol.

Anonymous said...

keep the fire burning guyz

flygirlbidiish said...

banky-san!!.....d'u watch anime?
try eatin fish fingers...u could em hold ur nose up if u don't like the fishy smell tho....
Banky W eating i'ld like a picture of that!!!

Anonymous said...

*stay faar faaar awaaaaaaaay from gala.. it belongs (in its entirety) to me..all rights reserved

**seeing as i'm obscenely late to this im terribly excited ( i mean bang-on the-tables-wake-up-the-neighbors-at "early"-hours type of happy @:-D) that laker'S officially rule! Kobe is THE bees Knees and a half!( cant begin to imagine what thatd look like)

*WCeeezy!! cant get over that !! lol

**ure officially a jay-z and lauren hill insanitarium worthy..but its allowed naaw

**this is the second tym ure getting me worked up about food, 1st with ur ebba comment n now this gala nonsense..
infact im walking out of this page...

save me some

em aey dee

Anonymous said...

u gat me LMAO...

AbsolutelyAfrican said...

Dude sound like u havent seen harry potter yet. Its really good tho its sorta long though but its totally worth it. n give us a feedbk on that.

Bout your music vid in SA; I think you should def shoot the films in lagos ...we've got so many good spots. Just get the right producer....n u get to save some money..

n can you give us an update on your augst show...will be in for a week. and would like to attend your show or smthng.

And what is this we hear about retiring, Mr. Bankable?

Now I eagerly return to my MCAT studying. yay Fun! :(