So I moved into a new crib a couple months ago. Love it... 13 foot ceilings, beautiful hard wood floors, all that good stuff. Great Neighborhood, and no parking problems at all - which is priceless in NYC. The *only* problem is one of the neighbors has a car alarm that goes off unprovoked, consistently, without fail, riiiiiight around 2am. Every single night. I think it does that just to show us all that it still has a mind of it's own. And a very loud mind, at that.
The only other problem is this... I love dogs, and not in the Michael Vick kind of way... just period. Like, when I finally buy a mansion with the big back yard, I'm going to either cop me a labrador or a golden retriever (which will most definitely terrorize my sister, but that's another story). In any case, right before I moved in, I was seeing all these stories in the news about pit bulls mauling people and stuff like that... come to find out I move in and this very lovely spanish couple downstairs have a pitbull... and get this... his name is Castro. As in, Fidel Castro. Heheheheh. And Castro is hell bent on getting a piece of me, so I've decided to start studying the "dog whisperer show" to learn how to son Castro.
Lastly, Jay is coming out with a new album that is based off the movie "American Gangster" (starring Denzel Washington). The movie looks reeeeeally good. I bet it'll replace Scarface as the number 1 most imitated/admired/quoted movie in rap rhymes from here on out. I'm excited about the new Jay album. I think it'll be good - he's supposedly taking it back to "Reasonable Doubt" status, which should be refreshing. I'm ain't no drug dealer but what the hell :o)~
BUT I will say this. I heard the first single "Blue Magic", produced by Pharell, and I'm sorry but I don't like it. Anyone who knows me well knows that Jay is probably my favorite artist, ever, period, but I can't sit silent on this. For starters, Pharell needs to quit selling pipe dreams and calling them hot tracks. We still listen to them cuz it's Pharell, but the truth is they're not that good... or good at all... so he needs to fall back and cook something up. Secondly, as a Jay-Z fan, I need for him to PLEASE redeem the album with some sure fire bangers. Please. I can't defend mediocrity.
I'll only say this once becuz I don't wanna lose my status in the Young Hova Club. Jay, please bring the heat back. I mean, I refuse to believe that he's passed his prime. But then I think of the Michael Jordan comparisons, and even Jordan wasn't great forever, right? And that didn't diminish his status as the greatest ever in the game. I just hope this isn't Jay's "Washington Wizards" run, cuz I can't take it.
Oh well, at least we have a classic Kanye album to rock to in Graduation.
~ B.W.
P.S: Contrary to earlier reports, it's looking like I will be in New York City this weekend at the Nigerian Independence Day Parade/Events/Parties/etc. Sorry to my fans and friends in Houston and North Carolina... ur promoters just didn't make it happen.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
To rock 'em, or not to rock 'em... stunnaz indoors?? what y'all think??

Question of the day... to rock shades @ a show/party/club/event, or not to rock shades... what do u think? People seem to feel differently about this "wearing sun-glasses-indoors" phenomenom, and I wanna get ur input.
Is it okay to rock shades indoors at a party/event, or are u someone who thinks that it shouldn't happen under any circumstance... as in... u see someone with shades on and u automatically wanna say hey buddy "there's no sun in here"...
I'm curious to know what people think. From an artist's perspective, I learnt really early on that it's almost necessary. Mainly becuz when ur appearing at an event, especially one where u perform at, after sweating it out on stage and having a couple cocktails, u can easily look reeeeally CRAAAZY. And in today's internet age, when everybody takes a picture and tags u on facebook, u can start spoling ur fine-boy-fine-girl-no-pimples status. And that's not kool holmes.
But some people feel like it's such a fronting move, and that it should never happen indoors period. Other people feel like it's okay - cuz it's all about fashion and whatever works for u, or whatever statement u make with ur style. Like my boy Tino, U can probably count the number of times u'll find him without shades, on one hand, and still have a couple fingers left over. Me, personally, I go either way. Sometimes I rock 'em, sometimes I don't. Depends on what my mojo is feeling like.
Sooo what y'all think? Are the rules different for artists/performers? Is it okay in some circumstances? Are some glasses more okay than others? What about the clear shades that are made for fashion, not sunlight? Or do u see someone with shades on and automatically roll ur eyes?
That's the question of the day, folks. Now hit me with answers and thoughts.
~ B.W.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What happens on my tour bus, STAYS on my tour bus...
* I'm going, going, back, back to, Yessir. Toronto was probably one of my most-fun shows, recently, cuz the people up there are just LIVE, and they get into it. Soooo I'm excited to be headed back there to perform, along side the E.M.E. Crew and my boy El Dee on Friday Oct 5th 2007 @ the Faith Banquet Hall. Will post the flyer soon.
* Wear black tomorrow to support the Jena 6 cause. If you don't know what it's about google it, sign the online petition and maybe even send a letter if you can.
* I'll also be performing in Houston TX on Saturday Sept 29th as well as on Oct 6th. Will post details and flyers on all these events soon.
* Also, for my east coasters, we'll be having the new album release party in New Yawk City in October - soon as we nail down the date and venue, I'll let y'all know.
* Speaking of El Dee, we just completed a remix to "Ur the Only One" with Del, which, permit me to say, is BANANAS. Y'all keep ur ears to the skreets for this one. We just need to mix it and shoot a video for it, and then it's a wrap.
* Furthermore, vote for El Dee's video "Champion" for the Channel O awards. Take a moment, register online @ Channel O's website, and vote* Kanyeeezy won the first week sales battle against 50 Cent. It's the ROC, b*tches. * I'm kool with all y'all on facebook, right, but please I only wanna say this one time... fellas....refrain from getting too into the whole facebook-action things. Do NOT "poke" me on facebook; don't write in my honesty box, don't chest bump me, none of that. Not kool, holmes. Leave that to the females PLEASE. Thank you.
* I'm hungry. I need a chef in my life. For real. And a masseus.
* I'll be going away for a couple months - I'll ship out end of October and won't be back till January-ish. And no it's not because of immigration, stupid. I'm gonn go do some heavy touring and promoting... the world wide takeover has begun.
~ B.W.
PS: I ain't even got a tour bus yet, I just thought it was a GREAT title. :o)~
* Wear black tomorrow to support the Jena 6 cause. If you don't know what it's about google it, sign the online petition and maybe even send a letter if you can.
* I'll also be performing in Houston TX on Saturday Sept 29th as well as on Oct 6th. Will post details and flyers on all these events soon.
* Also, for my east coasters, we'll be having the new album release party in New Yawk City in October - soon as we nail down the date and venue, I'll let y'all know.
* Speaking of El Dee, we just completed a remix to "Ur the Only One" with Del, which, permit me to say, is BANANAS. Y'all keep ur ears to the skreets for this one. We just need to mix it and shoot a video for it, and then it's a wrap.
* Furthermore, vote for El Dee's video "Champion" for the Channel O awards. Take a moment, register online @ Channel O's website, and vote* Kanyeeezy won the first week sales battle against 50 Cent. It's the ROC, b*tches. * I'm kool with all y'all on facebook, right, but please I only wanna say this one time... fellas....refrain from getting too into the whole facebook-action things. Do NOT "poke" me on facebook; don't write in my honesty box, don't chest bump me, none of that. Not kool, holmes. Leave that to the females PLEASE. Thank you.
* I'm hungry. I need a chef in my life. For real. And a masseus.
* I'll be going away for a couple months - I'll ship out end of October and won't be back till January-ish. And no it's not because of immigration, stupid. I'm gonn go do some heavy touring and promoting... the world wide takeover has begun.
~ B.W.
PS: I ain't even got a tour bus yet, I just thought it was a GREAT title. :o)~
What happens on my tour bus, stays on my tour bus
* I'm going, going, back, back to, Yessir. Toronto was probably one of my most-fun shows, recently, cuz the people up there are just LIVE, and they get into it. Soooo I'm excited to be headed back there to perform, along side the E.M.E. Crew and my boy El Dee on Friday Oct 5th 2007 @ the Faith Banquet Hall. Will post the flyer soon.
* Wear black tomorrow to support the Jena 6 cause. If you don't know what it's about google it, sign the online petition and maybe even send a letter if you can.
* I'll also be performing in Houston TX on Saturday Sept 29th as well as on Oct 6th. Will post details and flyers on all these events soon.
* Also, for my east coasters, we'll be having the new album release party in New Yawk City in October - soon as we nail down the date and venue, I'll let y'all know.
* Speaking of El Dee, we just completed a remix to "Ur the Only One" with Del, which, permit me to say, is BANANAS. Y'all keep ur ears to the skreets for this one. We just need to mix it and shoot a video for it, and then it's a wrap.
* Furthermore, vote for El Dee's video "Champion" for the Channel O awards. Take a moment, register online @ Channel O's website, and vote
* Kanyeeezy won the first week sales battle against 50 Cent. It's the ROC, b*tches.
* I'm kool with all y'all on facebook, right, but please I only wanna say this one time... fellas....refrain from getting too into the whole facebook-action things. Do NOT "poke" me on facebook; don't write in my honesty box, don't chest bump me, none of that. Not kool, holmes. Leave that to the females PLEASE. Thank you.
* I'm hungry. I need a chef in my life. For real. And a masseus.
* I'll be going away for a couple months - I'll ship out end of October and won't be back till January-ish. And no it's not because of immigration, stupid. I'm gonn go do some heavy touring and promoting... the world wide takeover has begun.
~ B.W.
PS: I ain't even got a tour bus yet, I just thought it was a GREAT title. :o)~
* Wear black tomorrow to support the Jena 6 cause. If you don't know what it's about google it, sign the online petition and maybe even send a letter if you can.
* I'll also be performing in Houston TX on Saturday Sept 29th as well as on Oct 6th. Will post details and flyers on all these events soon.
* Also, for my east coasters, we'll be having the new album release party in New Yawk City in October - soon as we nail down the date and venue, I'll let y'all know.
* Speaking of El Dee, we just completed a remix to "Ur the Only One" with Del, which, permit me to say, is BANANAS. Y'all keep ur ears to the skreets for this one. We just need to mix it and shoot a video for it, and then it's a wrap.
* Furthermore, vote for El Dee's video "Champion" for the Channel O awards. Take a moment, register online @ Channel O's website, and vote
* Kanyeeezy won the first week sales battle against 50 Cent. It's the ROC, b*tches.
* I'm kool with all y'all on facebook, right, but please I only wanna say this one time... fellas....refrain from getting too into the whole facebook-action things. Do NOT "poke" me on facebook; don't write in my honesty box, don't chest bump me, none of that. Not kool, holmes. Leave that to the females PLEASE. Thank you.
* I'm hungry. I need a chef in my life. For real. And a masseus.
* I'll be going away for a couple months - I'll ship out end of October and won't be back till January-ish. And no it's not because of immigration, stupid. I'm gonn go do some heavy touring and promoting... the world wide takeover has begun.
~ B.W.
PS: I ain't even got a tour bus yet, I just thought it was a GREAT title. :o)~
Monday, September 10, 2007
Banky W's VMA Recap Run down....
* MTV may have ruined Britney's come back b4 it started. She wasn't ready to hit that stage.
* Kanye (and 50) should have performed on the main stage - if I was the show director... I woulda had them share top billing to open or close the show. Kinda like how they are both on the Rolling Stone cover... I mean that performance woulda been monumental, with both of them tryna out do each other, seeing who gets the louder screams.... cut back and forth from one song to another and then end it with them face to face, center stage with a bomb explosion. I mean come on. That SHOULD have been a no brainer. Instead of that party in the hotel suite crap they pulled off.
* Instead, they opened it with Britney, who I just feel really sorry for these days, and closed it with Timbo, Nelly Furtado, and Justin - who by the way didn't do their smash "Give it to me"; instead they did some other songs meshed together that really didn't do much for me in terms of excitement and entertainment.
* Fergie's hot, but not female-of-the-year hot, I mean come on. That's like when "my humps" beat out Gold digger and some other joints for hip hop song of the year. That's a bad joke.
* Say what u want about Chris Brown, but that boy is a monster. He ripped it.
* Shockingly, Timberland did not amaze me with his maestro skills. Yeah I said it. I dunno. When I heard he was scoring the show I was mad excited. I didn't walk away remembering anything though, which was... interesting. He's still the best producer in music right now, period. He (and we) may have been too much on his jock though.
* MTV is collectively on Justin Timberlake's jock.
* Why wasn't Jay-Z present? Or maybe he was and I missed it, cuz i was cutting back and forth to the giants getting their ass kicked by Dallas.
* Dr. Dre was looking like a WWE fighter, on steriods. Sheeeeet that man is HUGE. His tshirt/sweater was damn near begging for mercy. THAT was a shocker.
* All those performances in the suites must have been fun for the people in there, but I miss the banging performances on stage. Like Cee Lo ripping that Prince cover woulda been amazing on stage. The suites made things feel just... less explosive.
* Probably because of the suites thing, Lil' Wayne was forgettable. I hope he delivers on his album.
* I was wondering why Alicia Keys' performance seemed kind of strange, but it makes sense now. During her show, Kid Rock and Tommy Lee got into a scuffle over Pamela Anderson's jugs, and had to be escorted out. And people think it's the rappers that always start sh*t. :o)~
* The BET awards show is starting to look like it kicks MTV's VMA's @$$. I take that back. The BET awards HAS BEEN kicking MTV's @$$. Yeahhhh I said it.
* Cop Kanye's album tomorrow. Cop 50's too, but only after the first week :o)~
* I need to visit Las Vegas a.s.ap. Who's with me?
~ B.W.
* Kanye (and 50) should have performed on the main stage - if I was the show director... I woulda had them share top billing to open or close the show. Kinda like how they are both on the Rolling Stone cover... I mean that performance woulda been monumental, with both of them tryna out do each other, seeing who gets the louder screams.... cut back and forth from one song to another and then end it with them face to face, center stage with a bomb explosion. I mean come on. That SHOULD have been a no brainer. Instead of that party in the hotel suite crap they pulled off.
* Instead, they opened it with Britney, who I just feel really sorry for these days, and closed it with Timbo, Nelly Furtado, and Justin - who by the way didn't do their smash "Give it to me"; instead they did some other songs meshed together that really didn't do much for me in terms of excitement and entertainment.
* Fergie's hot, but not female-of-the-year hot, I mean come on. That's like when "my humps" beat out Gold digger and some other joints for hip hop song of the year. That's a bad joke.
* Say what u want about Chris Brown, but that boy is a monster. He ripped it.
* Shockingly, Timberland did not amaze me with his maestro skills. Yeah I said it. I dunno. When I heard he was scoring the show I was mad excited. I didn't walk away remembering anything though, which was... interesting. He's still the best producer in music right now, period. He (and we) may have been too much on his jock though.
* MTV is collectively on Justin Timberlake's jock.
* Why wasn't Jay-Z present? Or maybe he was and I missed it, cuz i was cutting back and forth to the giants getting their ass kicked by Dallas.
* Dr. Dre was looking like a WWE fighter, on steriods. Sheeeeet that man is HUGE. His tshirt/sweater was damn near begging for mercy. THAT was a shocker.
* All those performances in the suites must have been fun for the people in there, but I miss the banging performances on stage. Like Cee Lo ripping that Prince cover woulda been amazing on stage. The suites made things feel just... less explosive.
* Probably because of the suites thing, Lil' Wayne was forgettable. I hope he delivers on his album.
* I was wondering why Alicia Keys' performance seemed kind of strange, but it makes sense now. During her show, Kid Rock and Tommy Lee got into a scuffle over Pamela Anderson's jugs, and had to be escorted out. And people think it's the rappers that always start sh*t. :o)~
* The BET awards show is starting to look like it kicks MTV's VMA's @$$. I take that back. The BET awards HAS BEEN kicking MTV's @$$. Yeahhhh I said it.
* Cop Kanye's album tomorrow. Cop 50's too, but only after the first week :o)~
* I need to visit Las Vegas a.s.ap. Who's with me?
~ B.W.
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