Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween in Lagos...

I used to live in New York City - shout out to all my new yorkers, much luv - anywho, I lived in a very "suburban" part of the Bronx. Sounds like an oxymoron, i know, u don't think of Suburbs when u think Bronx, but it's true. Look up "throgsneck" whenever u get a sec. Well in my neighborhood, halloween was big with the kids. They'd all dress up in their lil' costumes and come trick-or-treating...

Which was all well and good, cuz I'm a sucker for kids; like they'd all have me wrapped around their lil' fingers. So I'd go out and blow a ton of cash on wayyy too much candy, in preparation for when they'd stop by. The only problem is I'd blow through my candy supplies during the first hour because I'd just be pouring it into their containers, instead of managing it well. So the kids that show up during that first hour would looooove me. True story one kid actually said "WOW I love you mister!!!!". But then I'd run out of candy cuz I'd give away too much too fast, then I'd shut off all the lights in my apartment and hide from the rest of the kids in the neighborhood that came later :o)~

That's my halloween story. I know the christian arguments about the spirituality of halloween; momsie raised us to believe it's a demonic/devilish thing and not to get involved, but all i'm saying is it's VERY hard to turn down the little ones that come for candy.

Which raises another question in my mind; mostly for those of u in the states or europe, will u dress ur kids up for the halloween thing? Is it okay to use "non-evil" costumes? As in if ur child goes as superman, that's harmless right? Or no? I'm not sure if I'll let my kids dress up for it yet or not. I guess I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

ANYWHO - now that I'm based in Lagos Naija, I was chatting with one or two friends last week, about possible costumes for the theme parties around town.

I'm sure world wide there'll be enough Sarah Palin and Obama costumes, and I'm sure u'll have ur typical suggestive outfits like the sexy secretary, french maid, nurse, etc (which I will *never* argue with)...
U could also go as Sikirat the market woman - tie a wrapper around ur body, wear some slippers, and a head tie, carry a bucket of water on ur head and tie a babydoll to ur back.

Me personally, I don't do costumes. I know, party-pooper. Never have, probably never will. BUT if I did rock a costume in Lagos, I'd go as a LASTMA* official. Rock the complete uniform, carry a torch light and stand outside the club. Soon as u pull up I'd say "oga park well, park well".... heheheh. I know my Lagos heads feel me on that...

How about y'all? Did you/are you dressing up? And what did/would you go as?

Have a great week folks

~ B.W.


tankojjetty said...

nice to see a nigerian celebrity...i can call you that, shey...that actually updates
hope it isnt your pr guy

me personally would love to go as fela, with white pant and the symbolic big wrap of igbo....

ehn ehn, not to forget the bevy of

Chris Ogunlowo said...

@ Tank... you know I kinda feel that Banky has an assistant who updates this blog. But if he is the one who does it, damn! the guy must be one hell of a guy.

Banky. How was the "worthy event"? Hope it went well. When I read your posts I feel you have deeper stuffs in your mind. You write well. Your lyrics are REAL!

Maybe you're on your way to winning a Grammy & a Nobel ;)

Halloween?... LASTMA official is not a bad idea.

Toluwa said...

lol @ going as LASMAT! will u charge the usual bribe for not parking ryt?

Tigeress said...

Oh the famous Banky. My roomate- Seun Odunlami told me about you- he stayed at my condo for about a month when he got to Chicago. Heard u've moved back to Naija- hope u're enjoying it.

Yeh, from a Christian point of view- i'm anti-holloween- the celebration of witches/evil......not my kinda thing.

Banky W said...

@ tank: heheheheh LOVE the fela idea, absolutely genius. And no, it's not my pr guy

@ aloofar: see above comment about pr/assistant. I write all my own blogs; maybe i have a nerdy alter ego
"worthy" event went well. Was a lil late cuz I had a friend's video shoot to attend, so i missed most of it, but still showed up and performed. Grammy & Nobel would be great! Got a long way to go though i haven't even copped a HipHop World/Soundcity win yet!! Haha.

@ toluwa: of course ke... what's a nigerian official without some good old egunje

@ tigeress: yep Seun's my dawg.

ChiefO said...

NYC all day, after Lagos sha. Lol.

Halloween in Lagos? Lasmat officer sound great. I might as well be the naija police officer at the bar asking everyone, "oga/madam wetin u chop remain for ur boys"
Or even better, a money miss road politician shouting/asking everyone do you know who I am.

Nice blog by the way.

ibiluv said...

lol at going as lastma.......

i'll dress as catwoman a la halle berry mode.....*wink*.......

Sugabelly said...

Going as a LASTMA official... priceless. Honestly we should have halloween in Nigeria just so we can dress up as our politicians and mock the government.

Mz. Dee said...

I went in as geishaa!!! Dem japanese kimono thingyz.. luvd haloween for the first time!

Vera Ezimora said...

I really like the Sikirat idea. Sounds goofy & funny. I can only imagine the looks on people's faces.

bumight said...

LASTMA is veeeery creative, the only thing I could think of that could beat that is dressing up as Tinubu.

I dressed up for the first time this year, I'm not saying what though.

If i were in Naija, I'd dress up as...I'd have to think about that! I can only think of male costumes at this moment!

Abujamaiden said...

I don't believe in the definition of halloween for religious reasons but its fun to see folks dressed up.

Will dress as a medicine man like in nollywood movies.

Lol, I'll be arrested in lagos!

miz-cynic said...

me i dont see anything wrong in dressing up for halloween...its not like ure celebrating evil r somthn , ur just trying to catch some fun and the lord knows its good to be ice mand welcoming to kids. religiously...., tht cant be a bad thing.

uNWrItten* said...

lol you can always go as yourself..hopefully you'll be famous enough soon that people go as glad you are enjoying lagos..we miss you in yanks :)

Uber Fabulous Nigerian Girl said...

lmao @ sikirat and lastma officer!!! may i would try that out next year.

Padosh said...

This year was actually the first time i dressed up for halloween and i went as a sexy cave girl in heels!!!! lool

I just discovered ur blog and i still kinda think its a hoax and a huge coincidence cos just this past week i found this pic of u on facebook (u probably never seen it) with some random chick and realised u were actually very very cute and not just photoshoped pic cute. (and i expressed my feeling appropriately by saying i wanted Banky for Christmas on my fb status) lool !!!

Ok enough groupie stalker-related talk, i would give almost anything to see YOU dressed up as Sikirat!!!!

And i think d whole children and candy story id really cute....,ok im off to go jump off a building now, its the only way to stop myself from typing more embarrasing stuff.......

Miss E said...

id go as banky w....

doug said...

Nice dude. You actually keep your own blog. So how'd the event go?

Femi B said...

Halloween aint evil, Its the celebration of the dead...I.e Memorial. In naija we can spend wads of money on one grandpa that has died years ago isnt that the same thing?..only that we aint dressing as "grandpa". NOw of course people have to bring the evil out of it and go as witche and all. I think its a nice way to interact with your community.

Aphrodite said...

Oh i like ur blog very much.
I like ur music too so consider me a fan.

Latsma Official, ingenious idea,lol...

Anonymous said...

A Naija celeb with a blog that's intresting and isn't moribund? Cool. LOL @ LASTHMA.

Love your music; Ebute-metta is priceless.

Yewande Atanda said...

Am so happy i stumbled on ur blog again.
After formatting my system, your blog address wiped off from my system so I couldn't get into your blog. But am glad i've gotten it again.

How are u doing Banky? I love your appearance on J-Martin's video featuring Timaya. Keep up the good work man!

Emeka Amakeze said...

Do you guys think i would be arrested if i dressed up like a militant?

Anonymous said...

lol!!! Banky have fans ooo!!..hehe..come and update jo! You always make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

so i went as sikirat

wrapper and broom and all

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